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The Valley Huskers 2022 Team Awards

After another record-breaking, history-making, successful year for the Valley Huskers, we would like to take this time to thank our fans, billet families, players, coaches, staff, board members, and, of course, our sponsors for all their amazing support this season. Truly, if it were not for the many people of Chilliwack and the Fraser Valley donating their resources to this organization, we would not have the program we have today. Whether it be your time, funds, products, spare bedrooms in your home, furniture and dishes for our Huskers houses, or attending our games and cheering on the team, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Our team year end banquet was earlier this month, but we'd like to formally announce the 2022 Team Awards. While every player contributes to the growth and success of the Huskers in their own way, there are a few players that have earned special recognition.

Team MVP – Isaiah Letander #99

Bob Harmes Memorial Award - Offensive MVP – Reece Wyke #1

Denis Sache Memorial Award - Defensive MVP – Jaiden Claassen #4

Rookie of the Year – Tyson Hulgan #56

Offensive Rookie of the Year – Jawad Harb #9

Defensive Rookie of the Year – Tyson Hulgan #56

Lineman of the Year – Isaiah Letander #99

Special Teams Award – Christopher Rolack II #24

Coach’s Award – Dylan Manocha #8

Bob Ames Memorial Award - Most Improved Player – Josh Janssen #13

Hirsch Memorial Award - Most Inspirational Player – James Moar #7

Bert J. Parker Memorial Award - Unsung Hero – Rayden Sanderson #64

Eddie Perrin Memorial Award – Jonah Siciliano #90

McStravick’s BDP Award – Kurtis Flynn #4 & Chavis Spencer #11

Congratulations to all award winners and we will see YOU in 2023!


Mailing Address:
PO Box 2266 Stn Sardis Main
Chilliwack, BC  V2R 1A6


Home Field:
Exhibition Stadium

45500 Spadina Avenue
Chilliwack, BC 


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Team Photography:

Crazy Bees Photography


Copyright 2024  Valley Huskers

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